The past three Mondays, I have rolled my ankle on my runs. What is up with me? But things happen in threes, right? Though each time it's gotten progressively not as bad. So either I'm rolling it less, recovering better, or burying myself further and further in denial.
Also, the wind was everywhere.
I'm waiting for the day when a 5-mile run isn't going to feel like a longer one. When an 8-mile run is just a usual run and not something with a lot of effort. I think I'm still recovering from the appendectomy and being out for close to a month, and a few other issues that I'm having a hard time getting past.
Hopefully time will make things smoother. It has to, right? I'm too young for this getting older shit.
I am also preparing a big fundraising blitz. I'm multi-tasking like it's my job. As I type this, I'm preparing a big email via Facebook to spam my friends about donating, listening to a conference call with my charity, typing this blog, and giving attention to Bean, who is sitting on my lap, purring. I feel weird about getting in touch with people who I haven't in years, but...hey, there you go. I did this in 2005 when I fundraised for my first marathon with Team in Training, and I raised $3,800.
So I know I can do this. I just need to remember how. And fuck shyness.
Here's my fundraising link again.
I was thinking that tomorrow was going to be a pool day, but I'm going to wake up in the morning and then decide. If I don't go to the pool I'll do a shortish but hilly run.
One last thing: I see weird things on my runs sometimes. On my route home, someone had dumped a big pile of black beans on a slope in front of a house. There's your hill of beans.
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